Monday, September 10, 2007

Mailing address

Here is my address at school and know some people wanted it :)

Calie Eck
Student Accommodation
North Tower 373
Bond University, QLD 4229


At September 10, 2007 at 9:08 PM , Blogger Calie Eck said...

Student Accommodation is all on one line haha

At September 11, 2007 at 8:45 PM , Blogger Mom said...

Hi honey, It was great talking to you this morning, sorry my night. Boy I can see why they call it an experience!!!! It is so different, takes time to adjust. Sounds like you have some cool classes!!! All the rest will work out in time. It is just so different! Adjusting to everything really is an experience, one that will always help you in life. I know it isn't easy at times, but the country is so beautiful, the campus sounds so great and meeting new people is an experience in its self. Love and miss you lots.

At September 11, 2007 at 8:54 PM , Blogger Mom said...

WOW, I can't believe I got my comments to work. God, I was so busy trying different things to get a google account I am not sure how I did it, sure you are getting a laugh out of how backward I am in the computor world. Boy, I am excited I did it. I loved your pictures and the great summary of the things you did when you first arrived. Take lots of pictures because believe it or not you will be back in the USA before you know it. I would love to see pictures of your room and the campus. Do any kids have DVD or TV's. That just have to be so different. It really is not so bad as it is good to spend your free time doing things like taking walks and other great things. I believe the americans spend to much time in front of TV. Do you have a balcony that you can sit on and just relax and take time to focus on yourself. At home we are alway running around and really never take time just for ourselves. Well if you get this I will be amazed. I am so happy to have your address and will pass it one to the too busy americans. I love you soooooooooo. The big guys say hi (Daisy and Sugar) Jamie said she sent you a message and she gave Sarah your bolg. XOOXOXOXO


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